Blu Hope

Come and learn from the sessions and activities highlighting the first-hand experiences and conservation initiatives of divers in the Asia Dive Expo community.

Photo : Alex Lindbloom

Diving with and protecting threatened dugongs

12th June 2020
8:00am to 8:50am (Singapore/Kuala Lumpur)
1:00am to 1:50am (London)

Dr Christina Shaw, CEO of the Vanuatu Environmental Science Society and Director of Sea Shaw – Veterinary and Conservation Service


Timor-Leste Hope Spot Special Showcase

12th June 2020
9:00am to 10:20pm (Singapore/Kuala Lumpur)
2:00am to 3:20pm (London)

Dr Sylvia Earle’s Mission Blue, international marine conservation non-profit, has recognized the northern waters of Timor-Leste in the newly designated Ombai-Wetar Strait Hope Spot.

Moderator: Tracey Morgan, British Honorary Consul Timor-Leste    


H.E. Owen Jenkins – British Ambassador to Timor-Leste/Indonesia

Demetrio do Amaral de Carvalho, Secretary of State for the Environment for Timor-Leste

Professor Karen Edyvane, President of ATM-TL

Bernadette Oermans, Ekipa Tasi Mos Atauro, Atauro Island, Timor-Leste

Simon Christopher, TimorBlue/BluHope

Cassion Schumacher, Compass Diving, Timor-Leste

Hugo Lapeyronnie, Reverse Freediving, Timor-Leste



Sabah Marine Showcase

12th June 2020
12:30pm to 1:20pm (Singapore/Kuala Lumpur)
5:30am to 6:20am (London)

Marvel at Sabah (part of the Coral Triangle) amazing biodiversity.


1) David Powell, British Consul, Sabah (moderator)

2) Datuk Pang Yuk Ming, ex. Assistant Sabah Tourism Minister

3) Clement Lee, Borneo Divers co-founder, Sabah

4) Simon Christopher, Scubazoo/TimorBlue founder, BluHope

5) Richard Swann, DownBelow Marine and Wildlife Adventures, Sabah

6) Dave McCann, SEAS/ScubaJunkie, Sabah



Inside the Inspirational Ocean Cinematography

12th June 2020
9:30pm to 10:20pm (Singapore/Kuala Lumpur)
2:30pm to 3:20pm (London)

– Evan Sherman (Backup)
– Christian Dimitrius
– Bart Lukasik (Backup)
– Florian Fisher
– Diego Crassia (Backup)
– Claudia & Hendrik Smith (Backup)
– Adriane Gittus (Backup)
– Richie Kohler
– Howard & Michlle Hall
– Becky Kegan
– Craig Leeson

Moderator: TBA